Monday, October 26, 2009

2009 AGLCA Rendezvous, Day 44 & 45

We have been in meetings/sessions all day. The discussions are designed to cover the areas that we will be traveling over the next 6-months. Fred Myers, author of the Tenn/Tom Nitty Gritty presented the discussion of traveling the Tenn/Tom, Black Warrior Rivers as well as crossing Mobile Bay. Extremely educational, discussed what to look for in hazards, distance, fuel, harbors, (Far & Few), provision, safe anchorages and waterway protocol.

Late afternoon we elected to offer our vessel for looper crawl (boat open house). This afforded an opportunity for future and current loopers to visits several boats, ask questions & get to meet people from all over the United States (& Canada). This proved to be a very fun event and got to meet lots of nice people.

This evenings event and dinner was a very fun night with about abut 200 attendees. The guest speaker was a NASA engineer/scientist from Huntsville who provided us with a very interesting and educational presentation of current and future NASA course of action. It really was an opportunity for us to get a feel of what direction NASA is going and what it means to the United States.

We are starting to take a look at the weather window of opportunity for departure, destination and the next stop. We don’t have a solution yet, but working on it.
No images tonight, it’s late, air card is to slow for image upload. We will connect with wifi soon and include images.


  1. Diann and Tom...Doug forwarded your glad to read it all and know the trip is going so well. Now we will keep up and send all best for all safe travels from rainy Illinois!
    Louise and Dave

  2. you too haveing a good time its not soo good back here i know you should have took me i would make the boay filled with girls
