One picture I didn’t get posted was the Big M Casino which was docked at the end of our pier at Moss Marine in Ft Myers Beach. For $10.00 you could cruise and have a buffet breakfast or dinner (the boat departs twice a day). The problem might be that you are a captive audience for 6 hours so of course you would probably come back with less money but hey you never know you could be lucky! I would try to read their faces as they left the boat to see if they were happy or sad.
The Osprey is a fairly large hawk which we saw in nests on many navigational signs while traveling to Marco. A bulky nest of sticks and trash is placed on the ground, on ledges, in trees or on poles. More building material is added to the nest each year it is in use. The nest resembles a Bald Eagle's nest, but is not usually as large. Incubation, usually 3 white, buff or pink eggs, by both parents takes about 35 days. Young fly between 8 and 10 weeks of age. The Osprey's diet consists almost exclusively of fish, but has been reported to include birds, turtles, snakes and small mammals. Unfortunately, Osprey have been persecuted by many fishermen who feared competition with these majestic birds. Hostile commercial fishermen have nailed fish to wooden boards and floated them in common Osprey areas, hoping to wipe out the bird's population. Such harassment is unwarranted because the Osprey eats mainly mullet and non-game fish of no commercial value. Eagles have also been known to harass Ospreys in flight, causing them to discard a recently captured fish. The eagle then pirates the fish and flies off.
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